Effective PFAS-free Release Agents

As the need to move away from PFAS-containing release agents becomes more urgent due to a growing spate of regulations moving through regulatory systems worldwide,[1][4] many companies are discovering a need to switch to chemistry that delivers effective results without the use of fluoropolymers. Hightower Products’ innovative wax and silicone release agents have never used any products under the PFAS umbrella in our chemistry.
Many companies have recently begun to scale back their use of PFAS in release agents. This industry pivot away from fluoropolymers validates the position our chemists have held since the beginning on the importance of avoiding use of these and other such dangerous chemicals, even before regulations necessitate it. Since our founding we have been manufacturing effective products without the use of fluorochemicals, and continue to innovate into the present as we develop bespoke formulations to suit individual processes.
What are PFAS?
PFAS stands for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, and consists of a class of “highly fluorinated chemicals”[5] including fluoropolymers[6], that have come to be known recently as “forever chemicals”[3] because of their persistence and spread in the environment. Studies have found them to raise the risk of several harmful health effects in humans, including cancer, reproductive and developmental harm, as well as impaired immune system function.[2]
Hightower Products has never utilized any products under the PFAS umbrella in our chemistry. A core tenet of our commitment to employees and customers is that we’ll never use an ingredient in our chemistry that poses unacceptable health risks, whether or not these ingredients are regulated yet. This is how we are able to get ahead of regulations and offer products that remain available when you need them.
PFAS Regulations Worldwide
Regulatory systems including the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the US and the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) in the EU have stated their intent to draft rules limiting the use of PFAS.[1][2] In February 2023 an ECHA proposal to drastically limit the manufacture of PFAS in the EU was published and has since collected a first round of public comment.[3][4] If passed, this rule would be “the world’s largest-ever clampdown on chemicals production”[3] as it would restrict the manufacture of more than 12,000 chemicals.[3]
Hightower Products would be happy to support you in moving away from fluoropolymers in your release agent needs. To ease the transition, we offer expert on-site consultations and application suggestions, as well as the ability to adjust formulations to meet your process’s specific requirements. Let us be your helping hand in the transition away from PFAS.
Contact us to start your switch to sustainable fluoropolymer-free release agents today.
[1] EPA. (n.d.). PFAS Explained. EPA. https://www.epa.gov/pfas/pfas-explained
[2] EPA. (2023). PFAS Explained: Scientific studies have shown that exposure to some PFAS in the environment may be linked to harmful health effects in humans and animals. EPA. https://www.epa.gov/system/files/documents/2023-10/final-virtual-pfas-explainer-508.pdf
[3] Lim, XiaoZhi. (2023, September 1). Could the world go PFAS-free? Proposal to ban ‘forever chemicals’ fuels debate: A European agency is considering sweeping restrictions on fluorinated chemicals used in jet engines, electric cars, refrigeration systems, semiconductors and many consumer products. Nature. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-02444-5
[4] ECHA. (2024). Registry of restriction intentions until outcome: Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). ECHA. https://echa.europa.eu/registry-of-restriction-intentions/-/dislist/details/0b0236e18663449b
[5] APHA. (2016, November 01). Reducing Human Exposure to Highly Fluorinated Chemicals to Protect Public Health. APHA. https://www.apha.org/policies-and-advocacy/public-health-policy-statements/policy-database/2016/12/21/reducing-human-exposure-to-highly-fluorinated-chemicals
[6] Lohmann, R., Cousins, I., DeWitt, J. C., Glüge, J., Goldenman, G., Herzke, D., Lindstrom, A.B., Miller, M.F.,Ng, C.A., Patton, S.,Scheringer, M., Trier, X., Wang, Z. (2020). Are fluoropolymers really of low concern for human and environmental health and separate from other PFAS? National Library of Medicine: National Center for Biotechnology Information. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7700770/